Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy Hug Day SMS 2015
Holy SMS
Hindi New Year SMS
Hindi Love SMS
Halloween SMS
Greetings SMS
Good Night SMS
Good Morning SMS
Good Luck SMS
Ghazal SMS
Get Well Soon SMS
Funny SMS
Friendship SMS

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Relationship between two person is like

the relationship between the hand and the eye.

If the hand gets hurt, the eye cries,


if the eye cries the hand wipes its tears Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

"Feeling” is a painting never spoil it

"FACE” is a book try to read it

"LOVE" is precious be ready to sacrifice for it

"Friendships" is a mirror never “break” it. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

When a Guy does Something Wrong!

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp!

Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!

Girl : I can't believe you did this.

Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :(

When a Girl does Something Wrong!

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!

Girl : It was an Accident. I didn't mean to!

Boy : I can't believe you did this.

Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!

Boy : I'm Sorry..!!:(Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

My heart's like an open book,

it depends on how u read me.

Don"t judge me by my cover..

Look in and discover..

i will be ur True friend for ever... Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Good FRIENDS are hard to find,

harder to leave,

and impossible to forget. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS


,;**;, is like

*; ,;* a

__)(____ TRee��..

It is not MEASURED by how TALL it could be,

but how deeply the roots have grown Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

There r lots of people around u

some of them r important 4 u,

out of these some people few r more important 4 u

and out of these few people

1 is most important 4 u


4 me that 1 is u my sweet friend. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

A line said by a frnd 2 his Frnd

aftr both got busy in their livz


did'n contct each other.

"Missd ur smile a lot.

bt,I missd my own smile more".

:-) Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

If I could pull down the rainbow

I would write UR name with it &

put it back in the sky

2 let everybody know

how colorful my life is with a friend like U! Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

I don't regret the things

I have done and the things I didn't do.

For somewhere along the way

I must have done something right coz

I ended up with a friend like you. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Never abandon old friends.

They are hard 2 replace.

Friendships is like wine:

it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.

Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Friends change, I know they do..

but this friend will always belong to you

Friends hurt I know they do

But this friend gets hurt more without "YOU"! Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

All friends are not True.

But true friends are very few,

Which includes U.? Happy Friendship Day.
Flirt SMS

Flirt SMS

Be careful


a gal tells u that

she loves u

from the bottom of her heart.

For this may mean

that there is

still enough space

for another boy

on top!

Flirt SMS

Government of Pakistan has

introduced a new rule...

Good looking people should be

thrown out of country!!!

U r safe..

oh! No where should I Hide???

Flirt SMS 

A - U'r Attractive

B - U'r D Best

C - U'r Cute

D - U'r Dear 2 me

E - U'r Excellent

F - U'r Funny

G - U'r Gud Looking

H - He He He

I - I'm

J - Just

K - Kidding

Flirt SMS 

Aftr engagemnt!


Now stop looking at girls,u r commited now!


Oho what do u mean,

if i m on diet,

that doesnt mean that i cant look at MENU . . :-D

Love is an illusion!

Its a highly dependency disorder

of weak hearted people..





People with strong hearts

believe in FLIRTING :p

Flirt SMS 

I want u ...

To be with me In a nice Restaurent

To have candle light dinner.... &

to say those sweet three words to U....

"Pay The Bill"

Flirt SMS 


call, if i m cute

miss call, if i m gorgeous

Text back if i m pretty

Text a joke if i m charming

Just ignore if u r jealous

Flirt SMS 

Why do girls look beautiful?

is it real or due to make up?

Boy: I Love You..?

Girl: Hahahahaha

Boy: I Won't Live Without You..?

Girl: Hahahahahahaha


Boy: I Will Die For You..?

Girl: Hahahahahahahaha

Boy: I Will Gift You A Gold Ring With Diamond..?

Girl: Awwwww.. Promise ?




Boy: Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

Flirt SMS 

Do u know what’s A B C D E F G?

A Boy Can Do Everything for Girl

Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of: G F E D C B A?

Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches (new) Boy Again.

Flirt SMS 

Love bears all things,

Love believes all things,

Love hopes all things,

and most precious of all,

Love endures all things.

Come we love and make things happy.

Flirt SMS 

if someone calls u crazy, don’t mind,

if someone calls u duffer, relax,

if someone calls u stupid be cool,

but if someone calls u "cute"





Flirt SMS 

A Boy Was Going With His Girl Friend

Friend Asked : Who Is She?

Boy : My Cousin.

The Friend Said: Last Year She Was My Cousin.! :D

Flirt SMS 

What is the height of Flirting?

When your love letter starts with


Flirt SMS 

I always think about U.

I cant live without U.

I really need U.

I am totally mad about U.

I just wanna be with U.

I am crazy 4 U.

I wanna marry U.


Flirt SMS 

U = Ur friend (Uroosa)

I Love U

I Love U

I Love U

I Love U

I Love U

I Love U

I Love U

Don't be so confused, I love other alphabets too:p

Flirt SMS 

Love Happens Automatically.




Manual Working Of It

Is Called Flirting :D

Give me some SunShine..!!!

Give me some Rain..!!

Give me another Girlfriend..!!

I am Single once again..!!

Father's Day SMS 2015

Happy Father's Day sms

Thank you for being a great dad to us!
Your memories will always live in the very core of my heart.
I miss you Daddy...
Happy Father's day!

Happy Father's Day sms

Every mother generally hopes that
her daughter will snag a better husband
than she managed to do...
she's certain that her boy will never
get as great a wife as his father did.

Happy Father's Day sms

Dad, your guiding
hand on my shoulder
will remain with me forever.
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day sms

The greatest gift
I ever had
Came from God;
I call him Dad!

Happy Father's Day sms


Happy Father's Day sms

It is easier for a father
to have children than
for children to have a real father.
I'm glad to have u dad.

Happy Father's Day sms

If the relationship of
father to son could
really be reduced to biology,
the whole earth would blaze
with the glory of fathers and sons.
Happy father's day.

Happy Father's Day sms

Thanks for being
there through the
tears,laughter and
dirty diapers.
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day sms

You may be
out of sight
but you're
always in
my mind.
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day sms


Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day sms

Happy Father's Day sms
I know just the person who needs
"101 Ways to Be a Great Dad".
Don't worry it isn't you!
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day sms

You've seen me laugh
You've seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
thanks and I love you
Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day sms

When is Fathers Day 2015?
Father's Day 2015 will be celebrated on 15th June 2015.
It is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide (beside third Sunday of June) to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children.
This day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting.

Happy Father's Day sms

Love your parents
and treat them
with loving care...
For you will
only know
their value
when you see
their empty chair...

Happy Father's Day sms

Superb Lines 4m a father's diary ever n ever-
"my sOn is my sOn till he gets a wife,
But my daughter is my daughter til d end Of my life.."

Happy Father's Day sms

A Father means so many things..
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day sms
Pay My Regards To Ur Father
Who Is Tolerating Such A Dumb Duffer Child,
What A Stamina He Has Got..
I Salute Ur Father:p
Happy Father's day


Exam SMS

A last minute SIX
A last minute GOAL
A last minute MOVE
often wins the GAME!
That's why we are still confident that...
"A Last-Night Study can win an EXAM" !

Exam SMS

If Class Is Not A Place To Sleep..
Then Home Is Not A Place To Study.
A Student Service Msg...!

Exam SMS 

A good teacher according to students is 1 who :
-Should Be Absent At Least 3 Times A Week
-Should Come In Class 10mins Late And Left The Class 10 Mins Earlier
-Should Not Give Any Homework And Assignments
-Should Not Ask Any Questions To Students
-Should Not Disturb The Students By Teaching While They Are Talking

Exam SMS

Why We Sometimes Write "Etc" In Exams?
Because It Means.
E-End Of
But Teacher Won't Ever Understand Our FEelings... ;->

Exam SMS

 What is the true meaning of 'Study'??
S. Sleeping
T. Talking
U. Unlimited sms

Exam SMS

D. Dreaming
Y. Yaani mast life
SO carry on study..!! Plzzzzz.

Exam SMS

My nights are going sleepless,
my days are going useless.
So I asked GOD,
is this love?
GOD replied,
no dear, result is near

Exam SMS

To accomplish great things,
We must not only act,
But also dream,
Not only plan but also believe,
Best wishes for your exam.

Exam SMS

Side effect of excess study :p
A Guy Went To A Restaurant,
He Wanted To See The Menu
But He Forgot WhAt It Is Called;
He Asked Waiter,
"Syllabus Lana Zara":-P
Exam SMS
Wats d height of hope??
It is: sittin in d exam hall,
holdin d question paper in hand
n tellin ur self
"dude,dnt worry.
Exams wil get postponed!"

Exam SMS

Tomorrow is my exam
But I don't care
Because a single sheet of paper
can't decide my future.
~Thomas Edison

Exam SMS

Some one asked about my past
I replied -
SCHOOL: 2 + 2 = 4.
HOMEWORK: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8.
Juan has 4 apples,
His train is 7 minutes early,
Calculate the suns mass :D

Exam SMS

A ThermoMeter is n0t the 0nly thing
that gets a "DEGREE" without having a "BRAIN"...! :p
A silent msg f0r all studnts;-)

Exam SMS

Sundays-52 in a year,Days left 313
Summer holidays 50,Days left 263
8 hrs daily sleep-130 days GONe, Days left 141
1 hr daily playing means 15 days,Days left 126
2 hrs daily for eating means 30 days.Days left 96,
1 hr talking means 15 days.,Days left 81
Exams days 35 days,Days left 46
Eid & Gov holidays 20, Days left 26
Movies,TV at least 25 days,Days left 1
That 1 day is your BIRTHDAY.
Hun banda SALGIRHA waly din bhi parhy?

Exam SMS

Question: "How to kill an ant?"
Asked in an exam for 10 marks!
Mix chilli powder with sugar,
Keep it outside the ant's hole
After eating,
ant will search for some water near a water tank.
Push ant in to it!
Now ant will go to dry itself near fire,
When it reaches fire, put a bomb into d fire!
Then admit wounded ant in icu!
And then
remove oxygen mask from it's mouth and kill the ant :-|
Don't play with students!
They can do any thing for 10 marks

Exam SMS

Why most of the engineering students
Can't clear all subjects in 1st attempt..?
Smooth roads never make good drivers,
Clear sky never makes good pilots
Clearing all subjects in the 1st attempt,
Never makes good engineers.

Exam SMS

Once many professors were called and asked to sit in an airplane.
After they sat. They were informed that the plane is made by their students.
All of them ran and got out of plane exdcept one.
People asked him the reason
He said,"If it's made by my students it will not even start."

Exam SMS

I Cried When I Failed
In 2 Subjects,
I laughed When I Came To
Know My Friend Failed In 5
Subjects... ;-) :-P

Exam SMS

The most unfulfilled desire
Of all science students is
A bomb should have
Fallen instead of
An apple on newton!

Exam SMS

Question by a student !!
If a single teacher can't
teach us all the subjects,
How could you expect a single student
to learn all subjects ?

Exam SMS

Rain of summer, snow of winter,
grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May God suceed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & all the best

Exam SMS

Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of ICL n T20...
Same rules should be applied in Examz!
(1) Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour.
(2) Power Play - No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins.
(3) Cheer Leaders - To Dance After Every Right Answer Written.
(4) Strategic Time-Out - Time For Students For Discussion.
(5) Super Over - Chance For Students To Form Their Own Question. :-)

Exam SMS

Exams are like Girl friends
- Too many questions
- Difficult to understand
- More explanation is needed
- Result is always fail! :D

Exam SMS

It takes 15 trees to
produce the amount
of paper that we
use to write one exam.
join us in promoting the noble
cause of saving trees.