Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Relationship between two person is like

the relationship between the hand and the eye.

If the hand gets hurt, the eye cries,


if the eye cries the hand wipes its tears Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

"Feeling” is a painting never spoil it

"FACE” is a book try to read it

"LOVE" is precious be ready to sacrifice for it

"Friendships" is a mirror never “break” it. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

When a Guy does Something Wrong!

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp!

Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!

Girl : I can't believe you did this.

Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :(

When a Girl does Something Wrong!

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!

Girl : It was an Accident. I didn't mean to!

Boy : I can't believe you did this.

Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!

Boy : I'm Sorry..!!:(Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

My heart's like an open book,

it depends on how u read me.

Don"t judge me by my cover..

Look in and discover..

i will be ur True friend for ever... Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Good FRIENDS are hard to find,

harder to leave,

and impossible to forget. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS


,;**;, is like

*; ,;* a

__)(____ TRee��..

It is not MEASURED by how TALL it could be,

but how deeply the roots have grown Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

There r lots of people around u

some of them r important 4 u,

out of these some people few r more important 4 u

and out of these few people

1 is most important 4 u


4 me that 1 is u my sweet friend. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

A line said by a frnd 2 his Frnd

aftr both got busy in their livz


did'n contct each other.

"Missd ur smile a lot.

bt,I missd my own smile more".

:-) Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

If I could pull down the rainbow

I would write UR name with it &

put it back in the sky

2 let everybody know

how colorful my life is with a friend like U! Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

I don't regret the things

I have done and the things I didn't do.

For somewhere along the way

I must have done something right coz

I ended up with a friend like you. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Never abandon old friends.

They are hard 2 replace.

Friendships is like wine:

it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.

Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER. Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

Friends change, I know they do..

but this friend will always belong to you

Friends hurt I know they do

But this friend gets hurt more without "YOU"! Happy Friendship Day.

Happy Friendship Day SMS

All friends are not True.

But true friends are very few,

Which includes U.? Happy Friendship Day.